Friday, December 31, 2010

My New Year's Eve

Last night, something glorious happened. Something I've been waiting on for quite a while. My brand new MacBook Pro arrived!


This photo was taken before I went out and bought a pretty magenta cover to protect it from scratches and such. I'd show you a picture of it with the case but it's easier to just Google the case I bought...

There! Although it looks slightly more pinkish in real life.

Anywhooo. I'm quite excited about that. Also, today is my first day off work since Christmas! Danny and I were going to go see a matinee of Black Swan but decided to take the dogs for a walk instead since it's 50 degrees out today. Weird, since there was a foot of snow less than a week ago. Anyways, we went to a pretty lake nearby.


I asked Danny to snap some outfit-ish photos but they're not very detailed. I wish you could see my lovely Christmas boots! They were a gift from my parents (as was the red cardigan). I am quite smitten with both pieces and will probably be wearing the heck out of them until spring arrives.



Then we headed to Starbucks and sat outside with the pups.


And now I'm going to attempt to clean up this ridiculously messy apartment and then get ready to go see Black Swan this evening.

As for New Year's...I don't have any exciting plans. I actually have to work early in the morning so I might not even stay up to watch the ball drop. (I'm just TOO exciting, right?!) But if I do, rest assured I'll be watching Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper. They are two of my favorite people in the whole world. Seriously. I hope they have a New Year's show for the rest of forever. So funny. Oh, but you know what 2011 means? New planner!

Photo on 2011-12-31 at 15.56

Yes, in a world of endless technology I still rely on/love my paper planner. And 2011's has cute colorful owls on it. Another great Christmas gift from my parents. Hope you all have a fun New Year's!

P.S. Hey, Mac users...any tips/advice regarding my latest purchase? This is my very first Mac so I'm learning lots! Any app recommendations or tips on how to do things that are done differently on a PC would be appreciated. Thanks!


Elle Sees said...

oooh! lovely mac book pro!
i have an aubergine Dell!
and i love me some andy cooper. i love when he giggles.

Victoria said...

Happy New Year :) x

Brittany said...

Ohhhh how I missed you in the blogging world!!!

SO JEALOUS OF YOUR MACBOOK. I've been wanting one forever!!! Maybe for my 21st?? Do you love it?

And geez, I can't believe how beautiful it is where you live!!! NEED TO VISIT YOU. Oh & Patrick's aunt lives right outside Raleigh... so perhaps when you are visiting your friend, we can visit his aunt & we can meet up!

Happy New Year!

tess said...

50F!? Wow, perfect weather for walking your adorable puppies

I love my mac, bur I've been using them since age 14, I can barely remember PCs haha

Unknown said...

Congrats on your new mac! I've been a mac user for about ten years now, and I get lost and confused every time I use a PC.
Fun shortcut to navigate between programs command + tab. Hit tab to change programs. Thats one I use most.

cute puppies!!


Meggstatus said...

How cute are your little puppies!!!

Tieka, Selective Potential said...

Aw, you're so cute! That's so awesome about your Macbook Pro!! xo

veronika, tick tock vintage. said...

a) your pups are adorable. cute cute cute.

b) my favorite mac tip? i love the f3 button - it'll show all of your open windows at once, making it really easy to switch between applications.


I'm on my first macbook too...I love it! I feel like Ive joined some kind of club..ha.

You dogs are so cut by the way, the big one looks so alert & the small one so brooding! :)

Jazzy E (Hivenn) said...

wh these are so lovely. x hivennn.

SoapyMermaid said...

love the bright colours of your outfit!

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