
- Jessica
- Asheville, NC, United States
- I'm a 20 year old student earning a degree in Fashion and Interior Merchandising. I adore fashion blogs, so I decided to start one of my own. I love: fashion, design, art, film, music, shopping, cooking, my Weimaraner puppy - Milton, peach tea, David Sedaris, florals, traveling, naps, Charleston, theatre, peacocks, picnics, Asheville, Zooey Deschanel, learning new things and meeting new people. Contact me here - I'd love to hear from you!
Neat Stuff
Friday, May 6, 2011
Domain issues.
Hi guys...someone bought my blog domain when it expired (yes, I'm dumb and missed the date to re-new it). So the blog at wardrobesandwhimsy.com isn't me. I am probably going to start up a new blog at a new domain soon and put this whole domain nonsense behind me. It is frustrating though, because I'm sure a lot of people think that's my blog!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Milton, Demander of Cuddles.
In an effort to make my blog more about my life, as I mentioned in this post, here's a little post about my Milton. I haven't really talked about him that much since he was a puppy, but these days he has such a little personality. I can't even believe it but it's almost his first birthday!

I have never known such a cuddly dog. He always wants to be near someone, to be touched and paid attention to. And if you DON'T pay attention to him, he'll lift his paw up and place it on your leg and stare at you until you notice him. And if you DO pay attention to him he will eventually climb up in your lap. He might do it slowly, as if he thinks he's being sneaky. Or he might just jump up in one quick leap and settle down. He is SO demanding of love and attention. He recently lifted his paw up and closed my laptop because I was ignoring him while on my computer. How funny is that?
He also loves to get underneath the covers on the bed. He will often lift them with his nose and then turn around and look at me. It's his way of asking me to hold them up so he can burrow underneath.
Even though he's getting bigger and older he's still the cutest, most loving little pup I've ever known. And he still has innocent little puppy facial expressions. I just love him.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Well, I wore this.
Cardigan, scarf - Target; Top - J. Crew; Jeans - American Eagle; Boots - Arturo Chiang
I took these photos about a week ago but didn't get around to posting them because I was really unhappy with how they turned out. I'm mad at myself for not learning more about my camera and spending more time improving my shots, experimenting with the manual settings, etc. (Although it is hard to be motivated to fiddle with the camera nonstop when it is freeeeezing out and you're losing feeling in your fingers.) But anyways, I ordered a how-to book on my camera this week, so I'm hoping that will help/motivate me. If anyone knows of any good guides online for DSLRs (especially Canons) I'd love to see those too!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Some news I forgot. And some advice I need.
Guess where I'm going on spring break?

All images via weheartit
Yep, I'm NYC bound for the first time ever. I'm doing undergraduate research on Japanese kimonos and heading to all the museums to check out Japanese exhibits. But I'll have lots of time to check out other stuff as well...since I've never been before, I'd love advice from any of you who are familiar with the city! Good places to see/eat/stay/shop or any other hints. Plus I will probably be flying for the first time too so if you have any flying tips that'd be helpful too! And if any of you are NYC residents or happen to be going at the same time let me know and perhaps we could meet.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Happy Birthday to my Blog!
all images via weheartit
Well, my blog is one year old today! I don't have much to say as I really didn't blog the whole year...but thanks to everyone who takes the time to visit, comment, etc. I am so glad I started blogging because of the wonderful connections I've made with so many genuine, smart, funny girls who share my interests. This year, I learned that life is too busy for blogging to be my number one priority and probably always will be. I learned that I don't want to focus on whether or not my blog is "successful" but rather on making connections with people through blogging and sharing my life and personal style (whenever it's convenient for me). I'm happy with what my blog has become and where it is now, and I look forward to another year of blogging and getting to know all of you better!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Good Intentions
I had good intentions for this day. And this outfit. And this post. But nothing turned out as I planned. I was going to be really productive today. I was going to clean my apartment and run all sorts of errands. I was going to wear a cute outfit which involved a skirt and a lacy floral top and my new knee high boots. I was going to spend lots of time messing around with the manual settings on my camera and take really great photos for my blog. But none of this happened. I woke up and saw that it was dreary and grey outside. And for the third day in a row, some sort of cold/allergy/sinus monster continued to inhabit my head, leaving me all stuffy with a headache and a sore throat. I did my best, but I couldn't resist the urge to wear jeans and put my hair up. (And I definitely didn't clean my apartment.)
Cardigan - Old Navy; Shirt - Urban Outfitters; Jeans - American Eagle; Boots - Arturo Chiang
In other news, my mom and I went to the thrift store this evening and I found SEVEN amazing sweaters. Super exciting, as I actually don't have many sweaters in my wardrobe. Hooray for warmth on a budget.
P.S. You can't really tell, but my earrings are little gold owls. In case you were wondering...
Friday, December 31, 2010
My New Year's Eve
Last night, something glorious happened. Something I've been waiting on for quite a while. My brand new MacBook Pro arrived!
Anywhooo. I'm quite excited about that. Also, today is my first day off work since Christmas! Danny and I were going to go see a matinee of Black Swan but decided to take the dogs for a walk instead since it's 50 degrees out today. Weird, since there was a foot of snow less than a week ago. Anyways, we went to a pretty lake nearby.
I asked Danny to snap some outfit-ish photos but they're not very detailed. I wish you could see my lovely Christmas boots! They were a gift from my parents (as was the red cardigan). I am quite smitten with both pieces and will probably be wearing the heck out of them until spring arrives.
Then we headed to Starbucks and sat outside with the pups.
And now I'm going to attempt to clean up this ridiculously messy apartment and then get ready to go see Black Swan this evening.
As for New Year's...I don't have any exciting plans. I actually have to work early in the morning so I might not even stay up to watch the ball drop. (I'm just TOO exciting, right?!) But if I do, rest assured I'll be watching Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper. They are two of my favorite people in the whole world. Seriously. I hope they have a New Year's show for the rest of forever. So funny. Oh, but you know what 2011 means? New planner!
Yes, in a world of endless technology I still rely on/love my paper planner. And 2011's has cute colorful owls on it. Another great Christmas gift from my parents. Hope you all have a fun New Year's!
P.S. Hey, Mac users...any tips/advice regarding my latest purchase? This is my very first Mac so I'm learning lots! Any app recommendations or tips on how to do things that are done differently on a PC would be appreciated. Thanks!
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